K10 content
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Kenny Moreno
K10 Content | Founder
Zipline Brewing Co.
An independent Product Video Ad Campaign.

Recently, I was invited as a plus one to the Zipline brewing Co employee Christmas party and left feeling mega inspired. It was one of the most authentic places I have been around since working in “Y’allywood.” The following week I retrieved the product, filmed some glory shots at Studiodaze Omaha ( I built the wall too!) against a black backdrop and then sat in the edit bay tweaking some effects and plugins.

I fear, I really left the story behind while in the fox hole (edit suite) and just went full force with as many ‘scroll stopping’ edits I could make. Which was way to much. So, after toning it down a bit – I decided to cut ‘er loose to the inter-webs to get some feedback.

Zipline Brewing Co.
Mosaic IPA
Fuji X-T3 | 25mm Meike Cine | DaVinci Resolve | Canva (titles) | YouTube Audio Library
With this one spec ad, I did learn how to teak the creative to curb the distribution appetite. In the future, I would match their culture with a “Wieden+Kennedy” approach or those Old Spice commercials, ya know? Introduce more narrative, to help grab life by the harness. Make it an adventure, bright and sunny.


Inspiration strikes again!
Independent creative Video Ad Campaign produced by K10 Content in 2024.
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